Saturday, January 26, 2008

Holocaust Remembrance Project Scholarship

2008 Holocaust Remembrance Project Essay Contest Information

Students responding to this year’s writing contest should study the Holocaust and then, in an essay of no more than 1,200 words: (a) analyze why it is so vital that the remembrance, history and lessons of the Holocaust be passed to a new generation; and (b) suggest what they, as students, can do to combat and prevent prejudice, discrimination and violence in our world today.

Deadline: April 30, 2008
Eligibility: This contest is open to all students age 19 and under who meet the following criteria: (1) are currently enrolled as a high school student in grades 9-12 (including home schooled students) or who are high school seniors who may graduate high school at any time in 2008, or are students who are enrolled in a high school equivalency program; AND (2) are residents of either the United States or Mexico or who are United States Citizens living abroad.

Ayn Rand Essay Contest

They have a number of different essay contests, some specifically for high school students, other for college students, so check out their website for more details.

Barbara Wiedner and Dorothy Vandercook Memorial Peace Scholarship

Barbara Wiedner and Dorothy Vandercook Memorial Peace Scholarship

Since 1993, Grandmothers for Peace International has awarded scholarships to students across the United States. Scholarships have also been awarded to three students in Africa, two students in Kyrgyzstan (formerly part of the U.S.S.R.), and students in Canada, Norway, and the Ukraine.

Our stated goal was to provide four $250 scholarships per year. However, due to the wonderful generosity of members and friends, we have been able to award a total of 166 scholarships (including 13 for $500). This year we again plan to award at least one $500 scholarship. These are the requirements:

1. Be a high school senior or in your first year of college.
2. Complete the application form.
3. Write a brief autobiography of your activities relating to peace and social justice, nuclear disarmament issues, or conflict resolution. Include some proof of these activities (e.g., copies of newspaper articles, verification by your references).
4. Include two letters of recommendation.
5. Describe how you will contribute to a peaceful and just society in the future.

There are no grade point or age requirements, and students from any country may apply.

A. Patrick Charnon Memorial Scholarship

$1500 award, renewable if you maintain good academic standing.
Deadline: April 1st of each year
* Must value tolerance, compassion, and respect for others
* Demonstrate commitment to these values in a 500 word essay
* Must also be admitted or enrolled full time as an udnergraduate in a 4-year college
* Maintain good academic standing

Monday, January 14, 2008

Scholarships for Siblings of Cancer Patients

2008 SuperSibs! Scholarship Program

SuperSibs! to award ten (10) $1,000 SuperSibs! Achievement Scholarships AND four (4) $5,000 SuperSibs! Manne Family Foundation Scholarships.

Applications are now open, and must be received by SuperSibs! on or before February 1, 2008.

Scholarships for Cancer Survivors

Scholarships are granted for college education of the cancer survivors. Recipients are selected by a committee based on applicants' personal hardship and financial need.

Left-Handed Scholarship

There's only one scholarship for southpaws. The Frederick and Mary F Buckley Scholarship offers up to $1,000 for a left-handed student enrolled at Juniata College in Huntington, Pennsylvania. For more information, write to Office of Student Financial Planning, Juniata College, 1700 Moore Street, Huntington, PA 16652.

Patrick Kerr Skateboard Scholarship

Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible for the Patrick Kerr Skateboard Scholarship, a student must meet the following requirements:

• Be a skateboarder
• Currently a high school senior graduating by June 2008
• Possess a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale
• Enroll in a full-time undergraduate course of study at an accredited two or four year college/university no later than the fall term of 2008
• Be a United States citizen

The Patrick Kerr Skateboard Scholarship fund provides four scholarships. One individual will receive a $5000 scholarship and three individuals will receive a $1000 scholarship.

Selection Procedure
Applications will be reviewed by the scholarship selection committee. The top ten candidates will have their essays sent to each member of the Board of Trustees for final ranking.

Notification of Awards
Award recipients will be notified by July 15, 2008. Award recipients will be listed on the Patrick Kerr Skateboard Scholarship website. Decisions are final.